Designed to celebrate the thematic "Green Ray" party, organized by our client LuxFrágil with the collaboration of Patrick Goor, this light installation is simultaneously an intensely physical and artistic experience for the invited guests.
Our design, using green lasers and mirrors producing totally analog visual effects, consists of two light sculptures: a green ray of light apparently perforating the building and a big outdoor light tapestry whose appearance changes according to the movement of the guests that become co-creators and yet challenged to take part of this collaborative experience.
Perforating Ray
Green ray "entering" the building front wall.
Green ray "leaving" the building by the back wall.
Light Tapestry
Northeast view of the light tapestry.
Guests presence determines the light tapestry appearence.
Example of pattern created by the guests presence.
Another pattern achieved by the guests colaborative experience.
East view of the light tapestry.
GreenRay Installations video
Intermedia Concept And Design: 3kta
Art and Creative Directors: André Rangel and Anne-Kathrin Siegel
Laser setup and Technical Consultancy: Gilles Libert, Ligações2
Production: LuxFrágil, Manuel Reis and Pedro Fradique
Music on the video: Simon Tagis a.k.a STRB
Special Thanks: Patrick Goor, Labworks
© 3kta 2009